Thursday, October 15, 2009

weekly catch up

So i was all excited about working with the manekins, but i have been having a lot more trouble than i thought i would. i haven't been feeling well, and missed the first day with the manekin, and now im paying for it, having trouble keeping up with the process.
On the drawing side of things; i really have seen improvements in proportion and perspective from utilizing the technique of the "egg" for the rib cage and expanding from there. i still have some notes to catch up on and i should go in for open drawing to get caught back up.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Timed gesture drawings and cross contour drawings week two:
Here are some of the things I have been focusing on this week to break myself of old drawing habits and getting myself comfortable in front of a drawing pad again.
-Trying to keep myself from outlining -proportions
-Line quality -using line darkness to help see depth visually
While working on beginning gesture drawings it is a lot of information to see, absorb, as well as the “extra rules” given by Amy in only 30-60 seconds. My first hurdle was proportions, my first couple sketches were lacking legs, and not because I ran out of time, but that I just didn’t accommodate enough room—the 60 second sketches were a little better because I had a few more seconds to grasp somewhat of a game plan as far as what I was going to put on the paper, the 30 second drawings were all over the place. I seemed to do better depicting the female models’ poses and structure then the male models, probably because I’m a woman so I understood the contours better, not that I’ve never seen a male nude in my life, but when you only have seconds to analyze and produce something the female form just came more naturally. I probably never would have realized this if we were not fortunate enough to have models of both genders to study. I have a medium hand with charcoal, so I had to go back in and lighten areas and darken others, this is something I would really like to improve upon; being able to read and adjust my line pressure while I am making the mark, rather than fixing it after. Along with the darkness of my lines I tend to have shorter sketchy looking line and I have been working on trusting my eye to allow for a longer, graceful, and accurate line.
I am really excited to get started using the manikins to aid in our learning and execution of how the body is put together, just from the tips that Amy has given me personally as well as the class, it is just making more sense to me.
The cross contour drawing that I did during class was alright, but in general I don’t have much patience and my drawings turn out looking pretty flat, so I consciously tried to pace myself with my shell drawings and I got better results.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here is one project from Interiors II, I dont have much of my work photographed yet unfortunately, but I'll upload more later.


Woo Hoo! Finally graduating this semester(interior design). I decided to take life drawing one to suppliment my senior project presentations since it has been a while since I have taken a drawing class, figured it could only help. I would like to "learn" a little more confidence in my line and stroke, as well as sharpening my eye to be able to draw forms effectively on the fly.